MC Services to Buildings Inc

Contact us


(438) 558-5055


(514) 258-6456


9250 Av du Parc, Bureau 409 Montreal Qc H2N 1Z2

Opening hours

Monday to Friday : 9h to 17h
In case of emergency: All the time

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Questions frequent

¿What types of cleaning services do you offer?

MC-IAD is your trusted partner for a variety of cleaning services professionals. We offer industrial cleaning services, commercial and institutional cleaning in height, and the decontamination electrostatic. Our services are customized to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring the working environment clean and healthy.

¿How can I get a quote for your services?

You can contact us via our website phone (438) 558-5055by e-mail [email protected] or WhatsApp (514) 258-6456 to get a free personalized quote for your cleaning needs.

What are the security measures you take to protect your staff and your customers ?

Safety is our priority at MC-IAD. We have put protocols in place strict security to protect our staff and our customers. These measures include the use of personal protective equipment, the regular training of our staff on security best practices, and strict application of the guidelines of health and safety at work. In addition, we use cleaning products that are environmentally friendly and safe for health.

Can you perform the cleanings height ?

Yes, at MC-IADwe are experts in cleaning in height. Our team of professionals is trained and equipped to work safely in these conditions, ensuring a deep clean and efficient spaces in height.

What cleaning products do you use ?

Home MC-IADwe prefer the efficiency and respect for the environment. This is why we only use cleaning products that are top-notch professionals, respectful of the environment, to ensure effective cleaning, while preserving the health of our customers and our staff.

Can I schedule cleanings on a regular basis with your company ?

Yes, MC-IAD is there for you. We offer contracts for regular cleaning, tailored to your specific needs, to ensure a work environment clean and healthy.

What are your hours of availability ?

Home MC-IADwe are dedicated to meet your needs at any time. Our office hours are Monday to Friday, from 9h to 17h. However, we understand that emergencies can happen at any time. This is why we are also available outside these hours, including weekends and holidays, to meet your urgent needs in terms of cleaning.

How do you clean the spaces in height ?

For cleaning,the height of MC-IAD has a team of professionals who are trained and qualified. We use safety equipment and cleaning techniques advanced to ensure effective cleaning and secure, even in areas difficult to access.

¿Can you provide cleaning services in case of an emergency ?

Yes, at MC-IADwe are ready to meet your cleaning needs emergency 24 hours on 24, 7 days on 7. Whether for a spill of a chemical product or a serious contamination, we are equipped to respond quickly and effectively. Please do not hesitate to contact us immediately for a quick response.

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